Get Involved

Graduate Students

We are accepting applications for graduate students. There are abundant co-mentorship opportunities in the department. If you are interested, please get in touch with the PI directly at

Postdoctoral Scholars

If you are interested in conducting postdoctoral research in the lab, please get in touch with the PI directly at to discuss potential funding opportunities.

Full-time research staff

We have a full-time research assistant position available! You can apply through the online link provided at If you are interested, please contact the Principal Investigator at

Undergraduate Research Assistants

We often have available positions for new undergraduate research assistants. Whether you want to learn about our research and what life is like in our lab or volunteer your time in the lab to get experience conducting human cognitive neuroscience experiments and data analyses, we would love to hear from you! Depending on the responsibility and degree of commitment, the position may or may not be paid. Please email the PI at to get a conversation started.